Summer Boot Camp 2018

Image based on PDB Structure 5hvl

Download the Announcement flyer

Second Annual Interdisciplinary Quantitative Biology
Summer Boot Camp

Mechanisms of Anti-Fungal Resistance

July 30 - August 3, 2018

Institute for Quantitative Biomedicine
Busch Campus, Rutgers University

Our Boot Camp is designed to augment education for quantitative and biological scientists. Our overarching goal is to introduce students of all ages to the value of integrating biology and medicine with mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science, statistics and biostatistics, and engineering.

The immersive one-week Boot Camp experience will provide broad introductory exposure to the language, culture, and experimental/theoretical underpinnings of molecular biology, macromolecular biochemistry/biophysics, structural biology, computational biology, systems biology, and bioinformatics.  

Instruction will take the form of lectures on clinically important antifungals and their resistance mechanisms, augmented by collaborative hands-on research projects focused on the computational biology, structural biology, biochemistry/enzymology, and evolution of antimicrobial resistance. There will also be career development activities student-driven topics-of-the-day, fun activities for relaxing, and an end-of-week networking opportunity.  

Morning lectures, career development, networking events, and the final presentation are open to all.  If you would like to experience the full program and you are a student, Boot Camp may be taken for 1 credit Pass/Fail.  If you are a staff or faculty member and would like the full experience, you may join at no cost on a first-come, first-served basis (depending on capacity).  If you will be coming from outside of Rutgers, Boot Camp can be taken for a fee.  


The official program for the 2018 Summer Boot Camp can be found here (coming soon).

Some pictures from Summer Boot Camp 2017    


Students (undergraduate and graduate), staff, and faculty. Lectures open to all. Participants in afternoon workshops must register to attend (laptop required).


1. Everybody who wishes to participate in the full-week program must register with IQB here


2. Anybody who wishes to register for RU summer session course credits must register here AND send an email to Michelle Sanghera at, with your name, RUID, and course number. If you do not have a Rutgers ID number, please go here to request one.

Undergraduate Level: 01:556:483
Graduate Level: 16:848:611

Deadline for registration will be 3:00 pm on Friday, July 20, 2018. 



There will be software to download on your laptops before the start of Boot Camp. This information can be found here (coming soon).


Details will be posted in July 2018.



1. Familiarize yourself with the parking arrangement that applies to you:

a. Faculty/staff: Park in faculty/staff lots as usual (shown in yellow-green on the map). 

b. Students with parking permits: Park near Richardson and Nichols Apartments (shown in pink on the map).

c. Visitors: Pull up in the circle in front of CABM (as described in the directions for being dropped off) and call 848-445-0103 for your week-long parking permit.

2. Remember to bring your laptops to Boot Camp every day.

3. Since this is Boot Camp, start your day with 1,000 push-ups (optional).


Rutgers University
Institute for Quantitative Biomedicine at Rutgers
Public Health Research Institute (PHRI) at the Rutgers New Jersey Medical School
RCSB Protein Data Bank

